Renewable energies

SOCLEMA offers sampling systems for all types of renewable energies such as pyrogasification and hydrothermal gasification.

Various systems are available, including a TAR PROTOCOL sampling system and a syngas purification system for chromatographic analysis.

As a sampling specialist, SOCLEMA reminds you of the TAR PROTOCOL sampling guidelines.

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Active filters

  • Product : Sampling probe
  • Product : Conditioning panel
  • Product : Insulated tube
  • Product : Analysis tube


The reference method for tar sampling is called the Tar Protocol.

This technique is based on discontinuous sampling of synthesis gases containing particulates and tars under isokinetic conditions.

The sampling system consists of several trapping devices: a heated particle filter, a condenser and a series of bubblers containing solvents. The sampling lines are heated to partially prevent tar condensation before the sampling devices.

The sampling process consists of 4 modules and sub-modules.

Module 1 consists of a sampling valve system and a heated isokinetic rod, which enables gases to be sampled from both pressurized and non-pressurized reactors. Sampling lines are generally maintained at temperatures above 350°C to minimize condensation of heavy tars.
Module 2 consists of a gravimetric filter to recover particles from the reactor outlet. These particles could lead to clogging of the downstream sampling media (condenser and bubblers).
In Module 3 , the tar-collecting bubblers are placed in different baths at temperatures ranging from 20 to -20°C. The baths absorb the heat released by the cooling and condensation of the gases. Direct condensation of liquid effluents without a dilution medium (cold trap only) can lead to reactions between the trapped compounds, so a solvent is placed in each of the bubblers to absorb these compounds and avoid any parasitic reactions.Isopropanol was identified as the most suitable solvent for tar collection, due to its low toxicity and ability to solubilize tars for collection. Immediately after sampling, the contents of the bubblers are stored in a bottle which is kept hermetically sealed at a temperature below 5°C for subsequent analysis.
Module 4 is used to measure and adjust gas parameters.

The gas flow rate is kept constant by means of a vacuum pump. It is important to ensure that the sampling rate is not too high in relation to the cooling and adsorption capacity of the bubblers.