Natural gas sampling
transmission, distribution and storage infrastructures

Gas infrastructure

SOCLEMA offers specific solutions for fossil gas sampling on gas transmission, distribution and storage infrastructures: conditioning and samplingsystems including sampling probes, traced tubing, filters and separators...

As a specialist in industrial sampling, SOCLEMA reminds you of the guidelines for natural gas sampling according to ISO 10715.

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Active filters

  • Product : Conditioning case
  • Fixed or mobile system : Mobile system



Fixed or mobile system

Fixed or mobile system

Sampling methods

Different sampling methods, direct or indirect, can be used. In direct sampling, the sample is taken from a gas stream and transferred directly to the analytical unit. For indirect sampling, the sample is stored in a sampling vessel before being transferred to the analytical unit.

Point sampling

Point sampling is a form of sampling carried out from a single location at a specific point in time, providing a sample of what was in the pipe when the technician extracted the sample. The sample is extracted using one or more spot sampling methods. Most samples are collected in a sampling cylinder.

Incremental sampling

Incremental sampling, or composite sampling, is a sampling method that is carried out over a specified period of time, or on a given batch quantity, and thus produces a representative composite sample that captures a snapshot of variations in sample flow over that period or for that batch quantity. A typical system has a sampling probe, sampling pump system, sample capture mechanism, timer mechanism, regulated power source or controller.

In-line direct sampling

A sample conditioning system should be placed as close as possible to the sampling point and, if possible, at the sampling point, downstream of the sampling probe, in order to reduce the pressure associated with feeding the sample directly into the analyzer. This conditioning system should incorporate a heating mechanism to compensate for Joule-Thomson effects or avoid condensation phenomena, as well as means of regulation, filtration, phase separation and protection for gas chromatography. To achieve an appropriate design, all the information concerning the system's purpose and all the gas components must be available.